Exciting news ― we're looking to add over 100 talented individuals to our team for part-time and full-time summer positions. We have full-time and part-time positions for our After Hour Kid Power program, lifeguards (16 years old and older), youth...
Exciting news ― we're looking to add over 100 talented individuals to our team for part-time and full-time summer positions. We have full-time and part-time positions for our After Hour Kid Power program, lifeguards (16 years old and older), youth recreation program, park technicians, and more.
More Information:
Join us at our Summer Job Fair on Saturday, March 22, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Greenwood Senior Center, located at 4040 Greenwood Drive.
GULF BEACH LIFEGUARDS: We offer competitive pay, a flexible schedule, and an increase for returning...
Join us at our Summer Job Fair on Saturday, March 22, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Greenwood Senior Center, located at 4040 Greenwood Drive.
GULF BEACH LIFEGUARDS: We offer competitive pay, a flexible schedule, and an increase for returning summer Gulf Beach lifeguards, along with a $250 end-of-summer bonus!
Get ready to showcase your skills during on-the-spot interviews for most positions! While some roles may require specific qualifications or certifications, don't worry ― we have all the information you need on our website at https://www.corpuschristitx.gov/jobs-parks-rec.